Ivan Tolit – The WASHFRONT PRESS https://washfrontpress.com Leveraging Information For Development Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:15:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://washfrontpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-logo-1-32x32.png Ivan Tolit – The WASHFRONT PRESS https://washfrontpress.com 32 32 45% of Sex Workers in Gulu have had Unsafe Abortion https://washfrontpress.com/45-of-sex-workers-in-gulu-have-had-unsafe-abortion/ https://washfrontpress.com/45-of-sex-workers-in-gulu-have-had-unsafe-abortion/#respond Tue, 12 Dec 2023 15:44:37 +0000 https://washfrontpress.com/?p=1415 A new report by Voice of Community Empowerment, a female sex worker led organization based in Gulu City, has revealed that 45% of the commercial sex workers in Gulu City have had unsafe abortion in order to stay in business.

According to the report, of 500 commercial sex workers interviewed, 48% have had unwanted pregnancies out of which 45% have opted for unsafe abortion.

The victims aged between 19-35 used rudimentary ways to get rid of their pregnancies including use of sharp objects, local herbs and abortion termination pills.

The report further revealed that of the 45% who had unsafe abortion, five have lost their lives as result of the complication.

Martha Akello, the Executive Director of Voice of Community, has blamed the high cases of unwanted pregnancies and abortion among sex workers on the limited access to sexual reproductive health and rights services targeting sex workers.

According to Akello, most sex workers because of limited access to sexual reproductive health and rights information, they don’t use protection thus leading to unintended pregnancies hence abortion since pregnancy prevents them from carrying on with their business.

Akello called upon the health departments in Acholi to consider outreaches targeting sex workers to help reduce the high rate of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted Infections among the sex workers.

Anena Caroline, a Health Worker attached to Labworomor Health Centre III in Palaro sub county, Gulu District, said the biggest problem is that most sex workers fear going to health facilities to seek sexual reproductive health and rights services.

She however stressed that the health department has embarked on outreaches to provide services to sex workers.

Adong Joyce, a commercial sex worker, attributed the high rate of unwanted pregnancies among them demands by their clients to have live sex coupled with the absence of unfriendly corners at health facilities targeting sex workers.

Abortion in Uganda is illegal unless performed by a licensed medical doctor in a situation where the woman’s life is deemed to be at risk. With women lacking access to safe and legal abortions, many of them turn to unsafe abortion practices, such as self-induced.

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Climate Crisis Amplifies Food Shortages and Vulnerability in northern Uganda https://washfrontpress.com/climate-crisis-amplifies-food-shortages-and-vulnerability-in-northern-uganda/ https://washfrontpress.com/climate-crisis-amplifies-food-shortages-and-vulnerability-in-northern-uganda/#respond Wed, 22 Nov 2023 16:16:57 +0000 https://washfrontpress.com/?p=1302 Gulu: Recent findings have revealed the intersection between climate change and food scarcity in the northern region of Uganda, increasing the vulnerability of locals to diseases. Emmanuel Orach, Nwoya district chairperson, and chairperson of LC5 Chairpersons in Acholi, speaking during a Trade Expo organized by UN Women to trade in Northern Uganda in an event held at Gulu University on Tuesday linked the region’s severe food crisis to climate-induced challenges. Erratic weather patterns and reduced agricultural productivity have resulted in widespread hunger, forcing many to survive on a single meal per day.

Paramount Chief of Acholi,  David Onen Acana II, attributed the failure to produce enough food to climate-related factors, emphasizing the need for sustainable land use practices. Dr. Angela Nakaseero, Commissioner in charge of Gender and Women Affairs at the Ministry of Gender and Social Development, urged leaders to approach the issue through a climate action lens. She emphasized the role of sustainable agriculture and resilient food systems in mitigating the impacts of climate change, urging the community to embrace eco-friendly practices to ensure a food-secure future.




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